
Dune toe extraction from digital terrain model
Dune toe extraction from digital terrain model

dune toe extraction from digital terrain model

I collected the mother mantis in the gardens of Scott Arboretum, tending to and feeding her for three weeks until my suspicions were confirmed that she was a gravid female. Ootheca, oviposited in my makeshift terrarium (aka my laundry hamper) by Stagmomantis Carolina, its mysteries herein unveiled. The most wonderful thing about this plant is the transition from green to the red in the center, which is apparently due to the intensity of light and begins when the plants start flowering. In this picture, the funnel, filled with water and a small blooming flower on the right, can be seen. The funnel in the center is formed by new leaves and is where the plant usually keeps water, and flowers bloom. This is a type of Neoregelia from the Bromeliaceae family, native from rainforests in South America. You can see the brown spinneret glands on the underside of her abdomen where the many tiny individual strands of silk emerge as she quickly wraps up her prey.ġ1-AC. I was astounded at the speed at which she had pounced upon and coated it in silk, for this photo was taken just seconds after it first got stuck. This particular day I got lucky enough to observe as she caught a bee in her web. I visited her at all different times of the day in all different lights. I learned that she only ate her meals long after she caught them, and when I got too close she would start oscillating her web back and forth rapidly as a defence mechanism. Whenever I was walking to or from Science Center and had a few minutes to spend watching her.

dune toe extraction from digital terrain model

This particular spider lived in a bush in the pollinator garden and was a wonderful model for weeks. In this image, red is labeling a pH modulator protein hypothesized to function in maintenance of the symbiont, blue is labeling nuclei, and green is labeling the microalgae.Ĩ-Mel Stokes: This is a female yellow garden spider ( Argiope aurantia), also called a zigzag spider for the thick zigzag pattern they create down the center of their webs. Aiptasia has allowed researchers to further study the cellular and molecular mechanisms behind healthy symbiosis between host and endosymbiont (the microalgae) as well as coral bleaching (the phenomenon, which is exacerbated by climate change, by which the microalgae are expelled from the host cells, eventually leading to the death of the coral). Aiptasia is a model organism for coral it participates in the same symbiosis with microalgae that provide the cnidarian host (the anemone or the coral) with fixed carbon from photosynthesis in exchange for nitrogen and shelter.

dune toe extraction from digital terrain model

Thank you to the judges and to all of the students who entered such lovely images!ġ-Maria Ingersoll: Larvae of the sea anemone Exaiptasia pallida (Aiptasia) imaged by confocal microscopy. HONORABLE MENTION: Calvin Chan- Black eyed susan THIRD PLACE: Ryan Staton- Rock boring urchin SECOND PLACE: Colin Perkins-Taylor- Humpback whales Either way, the sheer visual statement-making lit up our feeds.We received 18 wonderful photos from around the world during this unusual semester. Maybe the 2020s really are going to be the 1920s redux. Instead, give us color, personality and a bugle bead (or 10) as symbols of a new age vehicles of unfettered self-expression. Who wants sartorial understatement when you’ve been forcibly muzzled for months? The basic black tuxedo and the little black dress turned into relics of the Before Times. Skirts got ever larger, suits evermore unbound, gender differentiation increasingly irrelevant and the definition of just who got to send a message with what they wore ever more expansive. No longer were our celebrity avatars Just Like Us, stuck at home in sweatpants, T-shirts and Tevas they had become vessels through which we could peacock vicariously.


It was the year public figures crept back into the spotlight, first with a tiptoe out of doors at the presidential inauguration, then a socially distanced red carpet at the Oscars - and then a full throttle, ball-gowns-to-the-max explosion of pent-up dressing up at the Cannes Film Festival, as if to compensate for the previous year of enforced isolation.

Dune toe extraction from digital terrain model